• Create New Task

    2024-08-27 12:16:52
    To create a new task, navigate to Tasks from the main menu and click on the New Task button. Subject – Enter the subject...
  • Add New Task Status

    2024-08-27 12:28:18
    NOTE: This feature is available starting from version 1.6.2. By default, Estate Mailer Pro ships with 5 predefined statuses: Not Started...
  • By default, all project-related tasks are visible to all project members.If you want to show only the tasks where the staff member is assigned or added as a follower, you need to turn off Allow all staff to see all tasks related to pro...
  • Copy Task

    2024-08-27 12:39:47
    In Estate Mailer Pro, tasks can be easily copied to save valuable time by reusing them instead of creating each task from scratch. While the task modal is open, click...
  • Linking task to features

    2024-08-27 12:46:08
    Tasks can be linked to any important features in Estate Mailer Pro to keep track of your work and assign important actions to your agents. Go to the Tasks...
  • Recurring Tasks

    2024-08-27 13:01:31
    Recurring tasks is a feature that allows you to create tasks that will repeat at a specified interval. To create a recurring task, go to the Tasks menu in the admin area and click on the New Task...
  • Add task assignees

    2024-08-27 13:04:49
    To add task assignees, open the task by clicking on the task subject while the tasks are listed. On the right side of the task modal, there will be a dropdown to select assignees....
  • Task Timesheets

    2024-08-27 13:10:53
    Task timesheets track all started timers for a specific task. Timesheets are stored separately for each task started by the task assignees. To view all task timesheets, while the task modal is open, click on the tim...
  • Bill Tasks

    2024-08-27 13:15:38
    1. To invoice non-project tasks, when creating an invoice, there is a dropdown just to the right side of the items dropdown labeled BILL TASKS. After you select a...