Recurring Tasks

Recurring tasks is a feature that allows you to create tasks that will repeat at a specified interval.

To create a recurring task, go to the Tasks menu in the admin area and click on the New Task button in the top left.

A popup modal will appear to add a new task.

Enter the task subject.
In the Recurring field, select the repeat interval. You can also choose a custom interval to fit your needs.
Save the task.

How will the task be repeated?
If you set the start date to 2016-09-27 and set it to repeat every week, the task will be automatically created 7 days from the start date. In this case, the task will be automatically created on 2016-10-03.

How will I receive notifications when the task is recreated?
The task assignees will receive an email and web notification that a new task has been assigned to them. Alternatively, you can simply notice the new task in the tasks list area.

Stop a recurring task
First, find your recurring task by applying a filter to the Tasks table as shown below.

Then, edit the task and set the Repeat Every drop-down field to empty.


  1. This feature requires CRON Job setup to work properly.
  2. This feature was added in version 1.2.4.

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