Create New Task

To create a new task, navigate to Tasks from the main menu and click on the New Task button.

  • Subject – Enter the subject for the task to easily identify it.
  • Hourly Rate – Set the task’s hourly rate.
  • Start Date – Set the date when the task should start.
  • Due Date – Set the date when the task should be completed.
  • Priority – Select the task priority: Low, Medium, High, or Urgent.
  • Repeat Every – If you want to mark this task as recurring, select the recurring options according to your needs.
  • Related To – If you want to associate the task with a specific feature like a project, customer, invoice, etc., choose from this list.
  • Tags – Add task tags for easier identification, for example, bug, WordPress, etc.
  • Task Description – Provide additional information about the task.

Click Save.

After you create the task, you will be able to add assignees and followers directly in the task modal on the right side.

When a follower or assignee is added to the task, the user will receive an email and bell notifications that they have been added as an assignee or follower. If you need to adjust the email templates sent to users, you can do this in Setup -> Email Templates.

Task Comments

Users who can view the tasks, such as the creator, assignees, and followers, can comment on the task for further collaboration.

To add task comments, inside the task modal, click on the Comments link and click on the empty text area to add comment content.

If you need to attach files with the comment, you can drag and drop the files into the marked upload files area.

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