Add New Project Status

NOTE: This feature is available starting from version 1.6.2.

By default, Estate Mailer Pro ships with five predefined statuses: Not Started, In Progress, On Hold, Cancelled, and Finished. However, you can inject new statuses with a simple action hook to fit your needs.

The statuses Not Started and Finished are core statuses and should remain untouched in order for everything to work well.

We assume that you have some basic knowledge of reading PHP code for this article, but it won’t be too hard if you don’t. You can just copy and paste the code and adjust the keys for your needs (see the key explanations below).

In this example, you will add one new project status with the name Planning.

  1. In application/helpers, create a file named my_functions_helper.php and add the following code:

<?php hooks()->add_filter('before_get_project_statuses','my_add_custom_project_status'); function my_add_custom_project_status($current_statuses){ // Push new status to the current statuses $current_statuses[] = array( 'id'=>50, // new status with id 50 'color'=>'#989898', 'name'=>'Planning', 'order'=>10, 'filter_default'=>true, // true or false ); // Return the statuses return $current_statuses; }

The ID for each status must to be unique.

  • ID – The ID of the project status. It's recommended to add a higher ID number to prevent overlapping with the default system IDs for project statuses. For example, if there are currently project statuses with IDs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and in the future, a new default project status is added with an ID of 6, but you have already injected your own status with ID 6, it can cause issues. It's not recommended to change the ID after a project is already using the status ID.

  • Color – The color for this status in hex format.
  • Name – The name of the status that will be displayed to users.
  • Order – The order of the status.

  • Filter Default – This option is used if you want to exclude projects that are using this status by default from being included in the list tables. For example, if this option is set to false, when you access the projects list area, by default, the projects using this status won’t be shown, and you will need to manually use the filters to include them in the table.

After you adjust the code to fit your needs, save the file my_functions_helper.php, and you will be able to see your new project status.

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